Limitless Roads Cafe
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release Date: May 15, 2023
Kinsey Fontana relies on lists to navigate the world as an autistic teen. #Goals list: win her dream event planning internship (she knows it’s an ironic dream); master the art of masking; and gain Mom’s approval. Instead, she works at a café hiring teens with disabilities. Although she loves the café and discounted macchiatos, she dreams of more than planning open mic nights.
She has an opportunity to shine by throwing a fundraiser to save the café. The catch: allow her ex-best friend Melissa Castillo to be her assistant and pretend they are friends again so Melissa’s parents respect her.
To-do list: plan the fundraiser with zero fundraising experience; work with the intimidating hotel planner who rejected her for the internship; and use every masking technique to charm rather than repel people from sponsors to a boy band. Although she needs unhealthy amounts of caffeine to handle autistic burnout, Kinsey reconsiders her #Goals list and realizes self-doubt belongs down the drain like incorrect orders.
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release Date: May 15, 2023
Kinsey Fontana relies on lists to navigate the world as an autistic teen. #Goals list: win her dream event planning internship (she knows it’s an ironic dream); master the art of masking; and gain Mom’s approval. Instead, she works at a café hiring teens with disabilities. Although she loves the café and discounted macchiatos, she dreams of more than planning open mic nights.
She has an opportunity to shine by throwing a fundraiser to save the café. The catch: allow her ex-best friend Melissa Castillo to be her assistant and pretend they are friends again so Melissa’s parents respect her.
To-do list: plan the fundraiser with zero fundraising experience; work with the intimidating hotel planner who rejected her for the internship; and use every masking technique to charm rather than repel people from sponsors to a boy band. Although she needs unhealthy amounts of caffeine to handle autistic burnout, Kinsey reconsiders her #Goals list and realizes self-doubt belongs down the drain like incorrect orders.
Where to Order
Recipe for Confidence
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release Date: May 17, 2024
Bryn Caputo dreams of being a graphic designer. The problem? She is not confident enough in her abilities to tell her parents or friends despite wanting to major in it after graduation. She seeks honest feedback by using her skills to help her peers as well as her aunt’s bakery, which specializes in Setback Cakes. Setback Cakes encourage accepting setbacks and not giving up, further motivating Bryn to chase her dreams.
There are plenty of setbacks Bryn has to overcome, such as past mistakes in the past that contributed to her lack of self-assurance and her overprotective parents. Juggling her job at the bakery, school, and graphic design projects is a challenge but gives her a sense of purpose she has never felt before. As the Setback Cakes face backlash and her secrecy threatens her personal relationships, Bryn is more determined to seek approval and hone her skills. But she discovers that the most important approval must come from within.
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release Date: May 17, 2024
Bryn Caputo dreams of being a graphic designer. The problem? She is not confident enough in her abilities to tell her parents or friends despite wanting to major in it after graduation. She seeks honest feedback by using her skills to help her peers as well as her aunt’s bakery, which specializes in Setback Cakes. Setback Cakes encourage accepting setbacks and not giving up, further motivating Bryn to chase her dreams.
There are plenty of setbacks Bryn has to overcome, such as past mistakes in the past that contributed to her lack of self-assurance and her overprotective parents. Juggling her job at the bakery, school, and graphic design projects is a challenge but gives her a sense of purpose she has never felt before. As the Setback Cakes face backlash and her secrecy threatens her personal relationships, Bryn is more determined to seek approval and hone her skills. But she discovers that the most important approval must come from within.